The listing offers Sygnia an opportunity to broaden and diversify its offering to benefit its clients and spur local innovation. “We support disruption, competition and best practice in South Africa’s capital markets. International experience has shown how competition helps drive a more efficient and responsive industry, which ultimately benefits the end consumer and assists in the […]
Category Archives: Listings
Norbert Sasse, Group CEO of Growthpoint Properties, comments: “We believe that our secondary listing on the A2X contributes to the growth and efficiency of South Africa’s financial markets, encourages competition, and aligns with global practices.”
Anchor’s CEO, Peter Armitage says, “A secondary listing on A2X gives brokers more options and supports free market principles. There is no risk or cost to Anchor, and it makes economic sense for us to back people who are bringing down overall costs.”
Ascendis Health CEO, Thomas Thomsen said, “We are pleased to complement our primary listing on the JSE with the secondary listing on A2X. We see the secondary listing as an opportunity to attract potential new investors through the lower-cost trading structure of A2X and broaden our shareholder base. There is no cost to the secondary listing or […]
Sanlam shares become available for trade on A2X. Ian Kirk, Sanlam Chief Executive, says that Sanlam’s A2X listing is in the interests of its shareholders and provides an opportunity to participate in the on-going development and overall growth of South Africa’s capital markets. “We welcome the opportunity to attract possible new international investors.”
CEO of Huge Group Limited, James Herbst explains, “This was not a very difficult decision to make. There are no additional costs to Huge of listing its shares for trading on A2X, there is no additional administrative burden and the continuing obligations are easy to fulfill. The rationale for this secondary listing was mainly to […]
Andries van Heerden, CEO of Afrimat explained his rationale for listing, “Our board agrees that stock exchange competition is healthy for the entire market. We support the idea that reduced cost of trading will bring in additional investors. We look forward to being traded on A2X.”